maandag 4 oktober 2021

Judit Polgar online

Dear Chess Friend,

We are happy to announce that Judit Polgar’s Global Chess Festival will be held on 9th October 2021 as a hybrid event: while the Hungarian National Gallery gives home to the local events, those interested can take part in the festival from the comfort of their homes, through Youtube Live. Furthermore, online chess enthusiasts can log in to a plethora of interactive digital activities. 

This year’s focus is on Education and Innovation

Major Programs

  • Education Chess Summit (Live and streamed from the Hungarian National Gallery)
    The speakers include experts from Hungary, Sweden, USA, Spain and France. During the Educational Chess Summit demo classes will be given based on the Judit Polgar Method. Special guest: Ernö Rubik, the inventor of the world-famous Rubik’s Cube, will share his thoughts on modern education.

  • Creativity and Innovation Talks (Live and streamed from the Hungarian National Gallery)
    Noam Manella from Israel: the author of the highly successful book “Think Like a Machine”, on how to awaken the dormant creativity inside ourselves. Indian engineer Ashwin Subramanian on using biofeedback tools to explore what signals chess players’ bodies are sending while playing and how they can utilize these little cues in preparation. Judit Polgar talks with the legendary Ernö Rubik, about his views and thoughts on creativity and innovation. Judit Polgar will also share her thoughts on the role creativity played in her childhood and career. And how she implements creativity in her daily life and her various projects. Norbert Fogarasi, the Head of Morgan Stanley’s Budapest Office, speaks about the connection between chess, innovation and business. And there will be an unforgettable musical experience provided by Juga Di Prima. The Chilean singer-songwriter performs five new "Chess Divas" songs that were composed in the spirit of gender equality and pay tribute to the best women chess players of history.

Other Programs

Please visit our website for more details. All programs are free!

We invite you to join us on 9th October 2021 to celebrate the power and inspiration of chess!

The festival is under the patronage of the Member of the European Commission Ms Mariya Gabriel responsible for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth

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